The Black Balloon
Yu Fu

Paris, a Chinese couple tries to survive as best they can. The husband, plagued by memories of the 90s in China, work illegally in Paris.One day, on his way home, he chooses to save the life of a fish that he first intended for his meal and releases it in the street. In the evening, wishing to please his wife, he prepares spring rolls for her. But spring rolls burnt like coal by overcooking are inedible. The man thus only earns the contempt of his wife.
The Black Balloon
Yu Fu

Paris, a Chinese couple tries to survive as best they can. The husband, plagued by memories of the 90s in China, work illegally in Paris.One day, on his way home, he chooses to save the life of a fish that he first intended for his meal and releases it in the street. In the evening, wishing to please his wife, he prepares spring rolls for her. But spring rolls burnt like coal by overcooking are inedible. The man thus only earns the contempt of his wife.
YU FU, filmmaker and artist, lives and works in Paris.
I learned cinema with my teacher Jean-Charles Hue, at the School of Fine Arts in Le Mans. Some of my art videos and short films have been selected by art exhibitions and film festivals, such as the Salon d’Automne and the «Les Yeux Grand Ouverts» festival. Fruit of my personal experiences, my work focuses mainly on disadvantaged people. I believe that the cinema must speak for them.