Lucia Octavio boards a bus in the middle of a mountainous border town and wakes up naked when the bus arrives at the station. Confused and alone, yet determined and brave, Lucia confronts the attackers that threaten her.
I am a video maker, artist, and educator. In my creative work, I draw on my Colombian American bi-national identity, queer, US/Mexico border, and East-West North American experience to tackle the existential conditions and cultural contradictions experienced by immigrants from Latin America who are living in the United States. My videos address issues of migration, memory, and identity through lyrical explorations of text, dialogue, and theatrical adaptations.
In a mixture of theatrical sequences and surrealist tendencies, WHEN LA RUMOROSA CALLA (When La Rumorosa Quiets) is a compact and tense meditation on the doubts and retributions women face when they witness or directly experience sexual violence and dare to talk about it. In this way, the film is a reflection on contemporary social justice movements for gender equality such as Ni Una Menos, in Mexico, Ni Una Mas, in Argentina, #MeToo, in the United States, and more recently, LasTesis in Chile, in which activists face powerful and corrupt forces with their bodies, their words, and their stories.