Nacho Gamma directly addresses isolation in work that has been created at a time which has been very challenging for many people around the globe. The resultant work comes from a series of interactions that the artist had been developing along covid-19´s quarantine in 2020, while he had not other companionship than the one offered by the light that came through his window each day.
“Framing the light” is an exploration of time, space and specially himself, while the artist is in a beautiful bare room.
The painterly quality of the film and the repetition of the act, of the pencil drawing, that occurs inside, it takes away from the need to situate this room. In a sense it is a poignant reminder of the universality of the pandemic, this room could be in many different countries, it symbolises a transient space, rather than a given location, and it pulls at the mundanity of life spent removed from society, one is alone, creating over and over.
For me it is necessary to believe that Fashion can be a medium to express & to do it in a way which is visually artistic, at the same time it can not take away any rawness from life's realities. I explore in a space that is a no man’ s land, a place with no labels or rules, where the only expectation is to create, no matter what.
Through my choice of materials or techniques things changed, I worked around the same concepts, which are related to life, death and the passing of time. And when I am talking about death, I am not talking about it in a biological way – I am talking about the death of ideals, of an object or even the death of a romance.