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Liao Chi Yu


A man’s dog died. He felt that his dog has never left, but not sure if it was because he missed the dog or because he was once shared the intimacy with it. In the interview, the man revealed how humans experienced the major dog extinction. He described the event coolly, exploring and speculating on the causes of the event. Then, it jogged his memory shared with his dog.
In the fictional time and space, the long-standing and unique relationship between humans and dogs, which came to an abrupt end in the tide of history. Humans experienced inexpressible, tremendous loneliness and loss when confronting the species that were once close to them were gone forever.


Liao Chi Yu


A man’s dog died. He felt that his dog has never left, but not sure if it was because he missed the dog or because he was once shared the intimacy with it. In the interview, the man revealed how humans experienced the major dog extinction. He described the event coolly, exploring and speculating on the causes of the event. Then, it jogged his memory shared with his dog.
In the fictional time and space, the long-standing and unique relationship between humans and dogs, which came to an abrupt end in the tide of history. Humans experienced inexpressible, tremendous loneliness and loss when confronting the species that were once close to them were gone forever.


LIAO Chi Yu is specializing in video and video installation works. She is particularly adept in the use of role-play and open-ended narrative to explore subtle and complicated feelings of life, regarding body experiences, memory and love, or moments when people connect with one another. LAIO has been invited to participate in international exhibitions such as Videonale and Kaunas Biennial. Recent solo exhibitions include Way Out Beyond at Taipei Fine Arts Museum in Taipei, River still, River goes at VT ARTSALON in Taipei, Sanssouci Park at a.m. space in Hong Kong



Phone :     0033 (0) 494 831 753

                  0033 (0) 663 085 598 



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Headquarters: 2354 Avenue du Grand Defends 83700 St Raphaël France

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